Wednesday 16 October 2013

Quickwrite- Robot

My future robot servant would teach me how to do anything I wanted to do. It would look like a person, but not too realistic as to confuse anyone. It would only look like a person enough to be able to teach me the things I wanted to learn, other than that, it would look like a robot. The voice it would have would sound digital, like your typical robot, but wouldn't be choppy, because I would need to be able to understand it. My robot would be my go to resource and I would be able to accomplish anything I wanted to do.


  1. I would want my robot to be able to teach me things too! Would you're robot help you with chores around the house?

    1. Oh yes! That would be very convenient! Just like yours with food! I would want my robot to do that for sure!

  2. What would your robots name be?

    1. I'm not sure Braxton, I'd probably have to see it to be able to name it an appropriate name. Or maybe it would be nameless, I don't know!

  3. I love that idea! You could literally do anything then. Is their anything that you wouldn't want your robot to be able to do?

  4. That's rather brilliant. That would come in extremely handy having a private, on demand tutor whenever you wanted in and in any area of study. I could list many things I'd have it teach me but I would probably want to be tutored in music first off. What would be the first thing you'd want to learn from it? I
