Monday 30 September 2013

6 word memoir #1

Most people think that they are the most important person in the world. Myself included, it's just the way we are programmed to function. Don't get me wrong, it isn't a bad thing necessarily. I mean, if you don't prioritize yourself, who will? So, I think it's always a good reminder that everyone in the world is only one person that makes up the whole world. The picture I used (Taken by my friend, Lian Pries) I thought was very appropriate for the message I am trying to convey. Every tea candle represents a person. Alone they can only shine so bright. But, if you look at the picture as a whole and see the rows of tea candles, they give off much more light then any one candle itself. Just like humans, if we join together, we could help bigger and better causes.

The effect I used on this photo was called “Orton” and what it did was made a darker background for the candles. I did this because it showed more of a contrast between the lights of the candles and the darkness behind. I feel that this helped show my message as you can really see the light the candles are giving off. The font I used was futura, and I did this because the name of the font is much like the word future, and the idea of people joining together will happen in the future. As far as punctuation I decided to add the “…” at the end because it is an idea that will be continued. We are all a part of a bigger picture and in the years to come hopefully more people will realize this.  

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