Sunday 22 September 2013


What is your passion?

What is my passion? For me this is an easy question. Ever since I was 8 and was in a production of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, performing has been my passion. Musicals are what I like to perform mostly, however over the past few years I have started to gain appreciation for classical singing. To me there is nothing better than the thrill of live performance. In fact, when I perform, I’m usually in such a state of euphoria that it’s hard for me to be productive for the rest of the day. I’m not sure if I’d be able to point a finger on what I love so much about it, but I just find it so exciting to get into the character of whomever you are portraying onstage. Perhaps this is because I find it a contrast to my usual everyday life. Whatever the reason may be, I find performing so incredibly magical that there is no doubt in my mind that that is my passion.

What do you want to do in a year?

This is a question that is difficult for me to say, as I have so many options as to what I want to do after I graduate from high school. Before I know for sure what I’m doing in a year I first have to make a couple of big decisions that could potentially close doors for me. Part of me wants to pursue my dreams of performing professionally, whether it is for musical theatre or for classical singing. (Another big decision) If that’s what I decide then I would either attend post secondary education in Winnipeg or work to save up to attend a university/college in Toronto the following year. However, it’s possible I don’t go into a field of that kind at all. If that were the case, I’m back at square one. I do want to attend post secondary education but if it isn’t for performance then I don’t know what I would go for. The reason I am doubting performance at all is because I’m not sure if I could live the structure-less lifestyle of performers. Academics have never been an issue for me, so it’s very tempting to do something that has a higher success rate than doing something that I already know I love. It’s so terrifying to think of, so I am just hoping sometime within the course of the year I’ll gain some clarity as to what I want to do. 

What do you want to do when you grow up?

I suppose it’s hard for me to say what I want to do when I grow up. This is so far in the future and I can barely decide what I want to do next weekend. I will say however, that whether I do this through my job or as a hobby, I want to spread the joys that the arts can bring to other people. Whether this is through performance, education, or however else this may be done, it is very important to me. I feel that the arts are often thought as frivolous and artistic minds are not taken as seriously as academic minds. When in reality, art is a form of expression in which much can be learned from. That is why I want to help show others the importance of arts in everyday life. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with what you said about the arts being seen as frivolous compared to academics! As someone who has no interest in pursuing anything non-art related, I find it rather frustrating that they are sometimes viewed as unnecessary, because that's not true at all.
